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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Busy Weekend

Okay, so this weekend I went to the Indiana District Youth Gathering with my church, there were only 8 of us that went but it was really fun, but at the same time less than it was made out to be.
So here is how my weekend was spent with sudden realizations of my life:

Friday Night:

  1. We got to the hotel and made our sleeping arrangements, I always end up with the person that takes up the whole bed because I'm too nice.
  2.  Met some cool people, and found old friends from other trips.
  3. Walked to a gas station around 10 for some food since I did not have dinner. The hotel was in a sketchy part of town. But there were 8 high school kids, 4 of whom were boys.
  4. Never did get dinner but was surprisingly not hungry.
  5. Hung out around a gas fire pit and discussing the deep morals and controversies of life.I figured out how to clap fire in your hand and not burn. It was pretty funny because the first time I did this the fire went out for a second then came back, it kind of scared me. I felt like I should be a fire-bender.
  6. Marriott Hotels have amazing smelling shampoo and conditioner. I might have taken some.
We are all God's children,  but Jesus is his one and only son. This is only because of blood relation. Were adopted.


  1. Walking to breakfast, didn't die crossing the road, or kidnapped. Just so you know Burger King's breakfast sucks butt. And so does their service.
  2. Went back to the hotel and went to different guest speakers about like how in God's eyes your beautiful and it's what is on the inside that counts and all that crap. I believe it but I mean, that's God's eyes, not the guys I'm friends with. I've decided I'm forever in the friend zone. Also about how to incorporate your Christian life into your social life, oh, just got accomplished.
  3. I had Qdoba for the first time in my life, not bad. 
  4. Went to some more guest speakers, we had to.
  5. My church is pretty cool so we skipped the night time activities and went to dinner at Penn Station/ Taco Bell. Then we went and saw Skyfall. I must say for the first Bond movie I've seen, I really liked it. And Daniel Craig, whoof. He may be kind of a lot older than me but I can see why he always gets the girl. He is pretty attractive and in shape for a 44 year old man, his accent is pretty awesome too.
  6. We got out of the movie at about midnight and back to the hotel at like 12:30 so I was tired but couldn't fall asleep so I played Flow for like 2 hours. I highly suggest this game.
Also what I learned over the whole group sessions is about forgiveness. It isn't just moving on and forgeting but generally accepting what the person did and being okay with it because they made a mistake and you have made mistakes too so you shouldn't hold anything against that person because of what they did to you. You don't have to be best buds or even friends with them, but just forgiving them releases built up emotion in your soul.

Sunday Morn:

  1. We got awesome shirts. Picture below.
  2. McDonald's has much better breakfast. Caramel Frappe's tend to be delicious.
  3. We had a wonderful church service with over 500 fellow high school Lutherans like me. That's powerful stuff right there.
  4. We went home.
And just like random, I've been told I complain a lot, I've recessed my life choices and realized I do complain a lot. So I'm going to try to complain less, I shouldn't complain, first world problems. Oh ya funny video, link below. 

Onto some serious stuff though guys. What you say can really hurt people. Ya you may be joking and the other person may know you're joking but sometimes it just really hurts. You don't know what that person is going trough. Okay so it's about me so I'm going to write it how it is. People always take advantage of me and treat me like I'm 5. I'm 16. Treat me like and adult let alone a young adult. You know how many people tell me things, and they're "just kidding"? Well a whole freaking lot of em. And it really does bother me. You're supposed to be my friends right? Well why would you say things like that. I know you're kidding but it bothers me because everyone does it, and I'm so tired of it. Because sometimes "just kidding" goes too far and it ends up hurting. In the end there is always a little bit of truth behind the kidding.

Oh, and don't judge people. I judge people a lot. And I've recently had an epiphany. Don't. You don't know what that person is going through unless you really know them, I just assume things like most people but deep down you don't know them till you talk to them personally. You need to see past their mask they wear for everyone. It's horrible having to fake your smile for so long that if you're not smiling people are over concerned. People need to express their feelings, I don't because I don't trust a lot of people, but I should. We all have one, some may be more elaborate than others but we all have that mask. 

And, I came up with a quote, it has a little bit of language: "The best thing about shit is that you can wipe it away and flush it down the drain." - Reagen John

One last tip for guys, when texting a female friend, if you're done talking at least tell them bye. That's the kind of stuff that pisses us off. Always so bye. You never know when it might be your last. 

SO.. My cool shirt:

and first world problems video, it's hilarious:

Goodnight, if you like my blog please share it with others, and I'll take recommendations of topics if you have any.

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