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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sorry Guys

Well, I know I said I would try to write everyday but homework has kept me up into the wee hours of the morning so I have not had time. But, I do today! I think I'm just going to do like the I will blog on Tuesday's and Thursday's. I haven't done much lately other than homework. I had to write a children's book, IN GERMAN, and it was a long and hard battle. But, I did it. I haven't started writing my story for English yet either or my book collage. I guess I should, oh and I have a reading project with an essay for Genetics, another project in German, and a project in Principles of Engineering. So many and there all due like this month. And I wan't to get my hair higlighted. Brown with red highlights, what do you think? Picture below

I think my hair would look good like that, I guess I should start saving my money.
Well that's it for now. I have to go finish a DBQ for AP World History.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Here's a fave song for you!

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